Saturday, May 14, 2011

Adventure Island In Rohini Ticket

I Could not stay away, I Could not fight it

So when you least expect something, he goes and happens, just like that, like a stab in the back, hoping to catch you off guard, so that your walls are not fully hoisted and easier. One afternoon, a plan either, bored, suddenly come across something you do not expect, feelings that were not previously, and I panic.

If it is, is the biggest stupidity, but you can not Avita, between illusion and panic in the middle, your imagination has jumped from one scene to another without stopping, wondering why and what happens, joy, of the desire for something to fear to mess up.

Because deep down you know the fuck, you'll be more cruel than you expected, you do not know what you want, because panic can more because you realize that you are more insecure than you think and a real immature, that relationships are not for you , which can not be controlled with an iron fist and let go does not come into your head and you do not know what the other person wants and that scares you more, because it is more likely that the entire movie you've created does not exist and I was disappointed worse than if it had gone wrong.

Because I like being a masochist and you keep running to see the end to see how far your scruples, but that time comes, let things flow, to see beyond to find a person yourself, you enter a huge jump directly to what you expect and does not arrive, you should not ask questions because ultimately you know your answer and do not want to know because you can not react, because that is not person for many good things you have and you want to make an effort to feel something that is not, because it put panoli face and everything will go downhill ....

Basically, you know how things will end, the panic will be your best friend and his playmate fear ......

I just read what I wrote and it makes no sense, at this time nothing has, perhaps erasing end, too personal, tomorrow when I pass the heater because of alcohol and the whore rain in the city that never rains, has left me not go in concert, because deep down beers arranged the world or make you see things differently and today I spent a little .

for rainy nights ......

small grasshopper .....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Milena Velbaand Samnta Claus

Minimal Stories - Knowing it was worse than

one wish, I whisper a song that always seemed so sad, describing my life in 6 verses. Urquijo that song, that I got goosebumps. I always said you would have been a groupie flag at 80, although the songs supisiese me halfway, I do not mind at all, because everything he did and I stayed well. What goes through my hands and my life is sometime paragraph pending a final coherent, or just a simple end, full stop. Everything was left incomplete, yours and mine, so all these things come to those sad words of a sad person, because basically it is easier to live and to meet the challenges. Do not miss it, because it would be harder to recall, but sometimes and only sometimes, you're coming through my heart, hitting the target without effort.

(I've always thought this song was a story too painful, unrequited love and self-destruction, to give everything and see all lost, inspiration today, Quique Gonzalez also made a great version of this song from a poem Luis García Montero)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Single Seater Dirt Buggies Ebay

Numeric find

perritis Well as I am something and I can not resist copying a meme, thus the currently circulating the net, with the help of Yopo, X , Marisela and Danygirl

How old are you? 25
What day were you born? 26
What age did you start school? 3
How @ s herman @ s you? 1
How many different cities have you lived? 1
How old was your first love? 12
How many times have you really love? -
What is the number of your home? 6
How many pairs of shoes do you have? 20
¿Qué numero de pie usas? 40
¿Cuántas mascotas has tenido a lo largo de tu vida? 6
¿Cuántos teléfonos móviles tienes? 1
¿Cuántas televisiones hay en tu casa? 2
¿Cuántos ordenadores hay en tu casa? 2
¿Cuál es la matrícula de tu coche? 63..
¿Cuántos idiomas hablas, incluyendo el castellano? 3 1 / 2
How many times have you flown on an airplane? 15 approx
How many times have you ridden by boat? 4
How many different countries, including Spain, have you been? 3
At what age did you marry? -
How many children do you have? 0
At what age did you have your first child? -
How many true friends think you have? 5
How many jobs you have had throughout your life? 3
How many social networks are a part? 3
How many blogs have taken over your life? 1
What is your favorite number? 4

Well dudilla that if you have any, ask jejeje

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Normal Blood Work Show Hiv?

When I raise my head to just meet you - Around the world

Long time had not posted in the group around the world, this month the theme is contrapicado from bottom to top. Lately I've been very inspired, many of them already have a time, removing some of the second wall and is not that I like too, but I wanted to publish, is that it evolved into the pictures and I may be lazy, so I have not posted in previous months XD

1. Soledad , 2. Torre , 3. P1020134 4. Place of Gozo 5. Tudela 6. London

Click on the links if you want to enlarge

hehe good thing this holiday season, it's back to the origins, the people of your hatred and love, sleep like a log without noise and recessed below the sheets and blankets, eating goodies and walk when the rain lets: D

As my cousin, this is the Windows XD seudopantalla

Spend an afternoon loitering in a my favorite cities, and eating ice cream while it's cold and raining, it is the best ice cream in Cuenca (on Avenida wheelwrights if someone runs jejej)

And since I am and as I said teach Loqueven had given me, I put as Paraguay, which has been many things but I've loved: D

frames are magnetized so that photos look
Polaroid camera
photography books on the library Company Snapshot Polaroid, very cool

There is a gift on the way, and they did not know that camera had a reel for my Polaroid, well of my father, that since the factory closed, had finished in photo shops and now it has been a distinct group , The Impossible Project and resold to a trickle, when you already have some fotillo show: D
To + info

Finally my new musical discovery, a beauty song

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kates Playgrond Freee3g

Over the years I have left to live ... .

long, long, long time, when these parts, they got the straps, mesh, combed hair, huge glasses, the sincamil, we spent a Transition and a coup, a World Cup where the scene was most, the crystal ball, Alaska , playing in the street, bike, cassette tapes ,...., when all this was summed up in the 80 , I came along: D

has its birth in the best grace period and not having lived because 90 was my actual years, and that caught me too small.

Well I am now officially a viejuna, I arrived 25 The quarter-century, 30-way freefall XD and I like to paint it, the girl's face, the same ideas, with my mistakes, my sorrows and my joys, with many roads traveled, more experienced ... basically me with a few more years intentanto see things differently, do things as I would sometimes feel lost, trying to fulfill the things proposed, with the goals I wanted met before this date that have not happened but will, trying new peaks which are now unattainable, but with time everything is true, see my errors were not in vain, ultimately feel that it was worth the trip and do not realize that wasted time or I hope so.
As you can notice, I want the whole world found out that my birthday, which this year if I care to meet them, it is spring, which is in April (water mil), where more people are born or at least most people I know, we are the dust of summer heat, which is a special day even if it's Tuesday, it is Passover, I'm going to hold more days a gypsy wedding and of course I like to congratulate, who remember me. This could be a EGO post with all the letters lol that is not an obligation but still congratulate me put it this way, the 4 winds, is that you do not see da bad vibes that your birthday coincides with the anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster most to him in Japan, and everyone agreed that, because as no.

Well as I did my last year gifts, you can give me the same thing, that one is not prim and and is very grateful

XD And you know that if I pilláis here, at Valencia, I invite you to a XD copichuelas

And you have some little songs that sounded by the day, by April or so I jijiji

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bollywood Actress Baring Their Boobs

How long do you think I can dance on your hand without losing me out? Today

That song will always get something of you that remembers something important, happy or sad at some point, someone with those words describes everything that lived and felt, it's funny that deep down we all feel the same or have been there. Nobody

impose tags anchor my life to a script
one tell me the top never overtake me up .. I

is my will that has pushed me every time I bent knees
you never stop believing ..


Match said, I can under the influence of the Smile of Julia

Note to self: the singer has not improved over time? XD

Mental note 2: This year I have lost the mobs (procession of Holy Week in Cuenca) wanted to see the whole thing, but I think it was worth staying, I'm an organizer of social events, I mean early surprise birthday, Chachi nice pellet. XD

mental note 3: I am a fantastic liar XD cojonuda

Monday, April 18, 2011

Terminate Tenancy Agreement Template

video will

Not if we'd see this documentary last night Copy damn! , so I hang here. As all know, Internet law and copyright are on everyone's lips. A video shows the two sides of the internet and the free movement of data.
can find all the information in his documentary website, such as interviews

also find him in TVE: television / documentary / copy / cursed /

And while we're at Easter, a holiday for some and for others still, at least in Valencia beginning on Thursday, I leave this video, nobody gets upset, is that is very funny XD

Finally, the new children's video ^ ^ mutants

Good week!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Guide For Pokemon Shiny Gold

Dreaming of past times Mêlée

Today marks the 80 anniversary of the proclamation of the 2nd Republic, a historic moment in my opinion almost more important than the period of the transition because it marked the revival of true freedom, the equality among social groups that existed in Europe and that came late to Spain. Ideas and facts that had many struggles to be accepted, because as it is now, everyone wanted to impose their truths and laws and that in a country like ours, at that time was difficult. I was always interested to know what happened in those years and that led to the war it took place civil, look at all aspects, all the ideas that created a government that until then had not existed (well I think that the 1 st Republic and the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, or attempted, a hint of something I think). I always thought that the Republic was a good concept, born evil, inherited much of the past interests (colonies become independent, economic crisis, rigging, chieftaincies. Etc. ..) and too radical thoughts raised by the new movements and avant-garde art (the Futurism gave way or inspired communism.) A country almost 100% agricultural landowner and the arrival of the industrial revolution was like a bucket of cold water, as as they say they caught with their pants down, and knew not get along that modernization and the exodus of farmers to cities so there was more social difference and poverty.
must consider that policy not only live a country but its economy and industrial developments are created, and at that time Spain was a hotbed of new industry it somo powerful steel, but light years ahead of European cities .
The Republic triumphed, because people got tired of waiting, of being quiet, of being permissive with their masters, to see their work is not going anywhere, they wanted something better in their lives and the most important democratically chose. My grandparents lived
beginning and its consequences have not had great things, we must take into account that people are not as experienced in large cities and in the end everything stayed the same or almost worse, because of envy among people and religious mentality, brought problems rather than freedoms

If there were a referendum now, the truth is that I could not choose, do not consider myself Republican, Democratic and all now, things are quite different from that time, but not it would look bad, that's why we have the right to vote, but to me the king of now I like him, I must confess.

This is a difficult issue to address, I am not a historian, I am not rigorous, not accurate, I only interested in these issues that seem to be taboo even after so many years is my opinion, which of course is longer, but this is difficult to comment jejej

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cervical Lordosis Images

When the sun does that tightens and warmth that encourages you to leave home, it is best to ignore it. And on this occasion he played rugby yesterday.
The rugby was not a sport that I draw much attention, not so good ....., if there is interest especially when Christmas comes and timetables, by God! few muscles firmly planted on these bodies jajajaj XD mountain.
Well the fact is that some time not too long I'm fond of, because you have to go to encourage the family and it touches, and in between games I'm getting the hang of the game.
At first only look at raw playing, but you get used to it if it is wrong when I know to make tackles, they fly and is quite literally stunning, but it is a very strategic game and I like it a lot and scream and insult especially glad that and then as friends.

old saying now British football is a game for gentlemen played by villains and rugby is a game played by gentlemen villains.

Today this song because I can not get out of my head and car and I like it ^ ^

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

D And C To Remove Fibroids

Draw and say what's around you

Today's recommendations will, for some time to discover this blog of ilustraciones.En the includes situations and phrases that the author sees and draws on the streets of Madrid but all we ever spent, it is quite original and the pictures are great.
Here one of his illustrations

Ando últimamente descubriendo otra red social, el twitter, me quito de unas para meterme en otras XD, he tenido un descubrimiento grato al encontrarme la cuenta de José María  Iñigo , de normal lo escucho los fines de semana en RNE en el programa No es un día cualquiera, que esta muy bien y es entretenidisimo, os lo recomiendo. Pues sus tuits son frases, de diversa índole, tirando a irónicos, bastante divertidos. (Lo mejor las contestaciones de la gente, que hay de todo jejej)
Estos son una recopilación de los que más me gustan, pero tiene muchisimas: 

No soporto a la gente que quiere imponer sus ideas sin escuchar las de los demás, not substantiate their claims. If they are preachers.

aunt was great. What legs!, What breasts!, That ass! What face? Ah, so yes, expensive!.

was a good man. Very obedient. He died at the wheel. He saw the sign saying "pelgrosa curve to the left." And turned right.

Clueless. His wife put the horns and he went to the doctor to see would not come if it was lack of calcium. Look

if having always been a good fellow, having served as a saint in this life, then there is nothing "up there" ...

I said "you are more beautiful every day." And I said "exaggerated." "Well, every two." And he was so happy. English

Each seems to be a football coach, a smart-ass talk show, and an arranger in the whole world in possession of the truth.

Experience is something you have when you no longer good for anything. And how hard must be aware of it.

True, chocolate can be quite an aphrodisiac. Depending on where you put it, of course.

Many problems begin to open your mouth. Before doing so should think about it a few times.

Love is giving and receiving. And the truth is that it is better to give it willingly because in the end it will be yet ...

Well from now I'll have to start to recruit people, and write the sentences they say, because the memory of fish that I have ever heard, talks on history and I forget XD

(meine Zeichung)