Saturday, October 18, 2008

Good Heat Absorbing Material

The Angel's Game

I just read The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, which these days is taking the time with thousands of sales in Spain. A book of heart, not put it down from beginning to end, with stories of love, revenge, evil and much blood pacts. The end result is satisfactory, and one understands why the huge propaganda the book appeals to a wonderful phrase: "You will remember why you like reading."

The book is set in Barcelona de preguerra, y el autor se regodea en crear personajes de carácter, aunque sea el protagonista el menos verosímil. Las historias están encadenadas como una bola de nieve, que no hacen más que crecer y llenarnos de suspenso. Si bien prefiero en ese género El Club Dumas , de Pérez Reverte, por no citar un libro de mucho mayor calibre como El péndulo de Foucault , de Umberto Eco, lo cierto es que el libro se sostiene solo, entretiene y gusta.

Para un lector peruano, esa funcionalidad podría resultar fría aunque entretenida, sin la sensualidad del lenguaje de Gregorio Martínez o Miguel Gutiérrez, ni la intensidad lírica de Arguedas o la ironía jocosa de Andrés Cloud. Not so. It is a well-written novel, done well, with a perfect texture, and thus secured himself a bestseller.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Softwear For Usb2.0 Grabber


If !!!!!!! Finally !!!!!!! Almost a year after starting to put the project on track I can say ....

That I have all the clinical papers !!!!!!!!

On Wednesday I spent the dreaded health inspection, which to my surprise it was pretty easy. The inspector was fixed almost more in the colors of the walls and furniture in the office door dimensions and the width of the aisles .....

As I have only processed only present the certificate to the certificate works and health inspection at City Hall to give me a license to open, so in a while, at 9 (are 8.10) I'll come to deliver and terminate all the bureaucratic issue.

No you can have an idea of \u200b\u200bjoy boats beat out the door as the health inspector, hahahaha .... I called my mother, Ramon ... Come on and do not put an ad in the newspaper a miracle!

As for the so called crisis (when I think, than bad dates start a business, of course), luckily I'm not noticing anything, quite the contrary, I'm getting enough new people and although some days I do pretty miserable long without even a phone call, the balance is positive week .

I said, I am very happy and lively after so many months of waiting .... You know, this weekend we are celebrating the completion of the project, there are cake and champagne for everyone!!