Sangam, an adventure novel Tang
The first time I read Sangama's great novel of adventure in the jungles of Arthur D. Hernández, peturbado stayed forever. Just have my eight or nine years old and I was in the mountains of Marca, the beautiful people of my parents in Ancash. And there, surrounded by the fantastic stories aunts and grandparents who had the giant Canlín, head of the Qeqi flying, the trials of John Bear, the smiling Ollco Ichic adventures or the appearances and disappearances and Chacu auquish, these oldies guardians of the hills, I suddenly across a book equally fascinating, fabulous, lovely. Oral literature and written literature gently wrapped around me, and Andean and Amazonian characters began to throb in my veins without any difficulty, perhaps with the same ease that the patterns of the jaguar jungle, monkeys and snakes in the jungle emerged from the Andean iconography Chavin and the coast of Caral. Sangama
caught me immediately. Abel Boats, young explorer in the upper Ucayali, arrives at the village of St. Agnes where he meets the tyranny of the Governor and his minions the Bull and Piquicho. And he knows also the great Sangama and falls, of course, his beautiful daughter Chulla, the green eyes, the soft leather. Sangama
But not a man of the forest itself. Rather it is a descendant of the Andes that bears a deep wisdom that was transmitted over generations. Look for the idol, to know the keys of the return of great Inca empire and lanky while living life the mysteries of the Amazon, the habits of animals and particular habits of indigenous peoples.
But it is a novel the grand style of the novels. That is, a narrative that surrounds us with simple but evocative stories, until the items are wonderful natural and the action goes to catch our attention with its dazzling anecdotes, full of secrets revealed, verbal magic love inconclusive and to articulate the various stories of this great story.
What is Sangama ? It is the pursuit of the unattainable, the past, the meaning of our existence.
Sangama is the bet by Amazon Andean culture, where the character sees the cultural matrix that gives life to almost the entire South American continent. And he does it with a reference immediate, expensive Peruvians: the return of the Inca empire.
A first reading of the novel we would suggest that Arturo Hernández, writer, gets to the tail of indigenismo to highlight the value Andes by the Inca, perhaps his last indigenous representatives. But every time I read the novel again, year after year, are different dreams and images that haunt me. Before the speech 'Inca', I see the behavior Sangama Andean-Amazonian cast as a complementary value. Therefore
highlights, very clear, what we now call ecological behavior, a balanced view towards nature and its resources, including a baby equal to the other indigenous groups whose secrets known thanks to shared trust.
But do not forget something important: the critical requirement of Amazon to find a 'Amazonian character' in the novel in Sangama find someone completely away from the ideal required, because ultimately, the character is carrying Andean wisdom jungle, and would become a cultural hybrid rather than own original symbol of the Amazon.
However, the images are forever a competition of stories that haunt us and dominate us. From adventures with animals, even encounters with witches magical poison and kill out of greed, jealousy and revenge. What else is killed in the literature, or perhaps in real life? Sangama
But the novel is also a sweet and lovely trap for readers unfamiliar with the forest. I remember watching the plane as he traveled to Iquitos, Pucallpa and Tarapoto, readers with Sangama in hand, trapped by history, imagining that you just walked on the forest would come to find snakes or jaguars or take them to the hotel in fragile canoes.
Nothing could be farther from reality. More than a reflection of the forest, Sangama must stress the joy of adventure, the same pleasure we feel rereading The Three Musketeers of Dumas. And understanding the narrative, rather than experiment with words, is an exercise with the stories, the dreams, the magic of the worlds that we have to invent as Sangama shows us naturally and easily.
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