Saturday, January 12, 2008

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Whitman Leaves "The Antichrist" by Nietzsche and fascism inevitable

Antichrist is within the third and final phase of the philosophy of Nietzsche, which opened Thus Spoke Zarathustra by and finished with Ecce homo. At this stage, says the style and thought of this strong German thinker, and clearly outline their thematic pillars constant: the death of God, the will to power, the eternal return and Superman, and, within them, a profound contempt and opposition to the masses, crowds, great people, they reveal from their own synthesis formulation of bourgeois thought in a higher stage of social development.

In Antichrist Nietzsche expresses this time, not only the death of God, and previous research with irrefutable force, but also the character alienating, negative and corrupt Christianity along its black history. For him the Christian idea of \u200b\u200bGod is one of the most corrupt concepts that have been invented to define the divinity, and notes that "perhaps even represent the lowest level in the downward trend of such gods. God degenerated to be the contradiction of life, instead of being its transfiguration and eternal yes! In God declared hostility to life, nature, the will to live! God, all slander formula 'here and now', all lie 'beyond'! In God, the nothingness deified, the will to nothingness canonized ...! ".

Esta forma pertinaz y agresiva atraviesa toda la obra, donde el pensador del martillo que es Nietzsche no se detiene para nada ante los tópicos más caros del cristianismo. Su lenguaje es injurioso, violento, burlón y certero. Nada del cristianismo –de esa “moral de esclavos”– queda en pie. Incluso sus conceptos de mayor peso, como la propia idea de Dios, de Cristo y de la actitud correcta del creyente quedan derribados por la puntería imbatible del filósofo.

Lo que más reprocha Nietzsche al cristianismo es esa mansedumbre decadente que va contra el hombre, contra la vida. Afirma que la forma máxima de autoenvilecimiento del hombre es el concepto cristiano del pecado. El mismo cristianismo and, for him, the greatest of all imaginable corruptions, because it poisons life through the idea of \u200b\u200bsin. Compare to Christianity as a state of "parasitism" because it feeds on poverty moments of the human soul. He added: "This eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write on all walls, wherever there are walls, I have lyrics that make even the blind see ... I call Christianity the one great curse, the only major intimísima corruption, the only great instinct for revenge for which no means is quite poisonous, stealthy, subterranean, small, I call the one immortal blemish dishonorable of humanity ... "

At this point we must ask, however, what is the real target of attacks by Nietzsche. It faces to Christianity because of its usefulness brutalizing, or its idealism and moral coercion servile apparatus run by the ruling classes, nor by the mass of falsehoods and lies that leads to the terror of the humble and ruthless exploitation, is facing mainly for daring to promote equality between men, without distinction or privileges. "Discovery of God: in fact, only the moral God is refuted," he says.

Christian claim against the latter actually lines up all his artillery. Odia al cristianismo con odio utilitario; es decir, sólo en la medida en que se ha opuesto a las “diferencias naturales” que existen entre una minoría selecta y la gran mayoría. Así escribe: “Una cultura superior sólo puede surgir allí donde haya dos castas distintas en el seno de la sociedad: la de los trabajadores y la de los ociosos, capacitados para disfrutar verdaderamente de su ocio; o, para decirlo con palabras más fuertes, la casta del trabajo forzado y la del trabajo libre.”

Es que Nietzsch es, en el fondo, como todo gran filósofo, un pensador de su época, que supo reflejar parte simportantes del pensamiento burgués que iban en aumento gracias a las condiciones social that made them necessary. This was none other than the spread of capitalism, with all its forces in the imperialist stage and all its proxy wars that came with it.

But Nietzsche's uniqueness lies in covering the vast cultural mosaic that was holding the capitalist development, and conflict of this with their material conditions. Nietzsche could see that the capitalist system could not survive without war, genocide and global operations, but sublimated these needs with its aristocratic theory of Superman, it would no longer feudal ruling class, aging and outdated, but the lineage of intelligence bourgeois marked by the fire of war and the will to power. From there it was easy acceptance among the Nazis and is considered one of the thinkers who influenced the ideological development of fascism.

Superman would be the replacement concrete embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bgod. The cry of "God is dead" also implies that God, the Jewish establishment that represents the anti-human Christ, what antivital, and destroys all true hierarchy by equality of souls before him, is finally overcome by will alone dominating . And the real example of what Superman is nothing less than the Bismark, but certainly criticized on the grounds that its policy was not sufficiently imperialist and reactionary.

So clearly, writes Nietzsche in The Antichrist : "Who are those who hate most among the rabble of today? The socialist rabble, Chandala apostles, who undermine the instinct, the joy, the feeling of fullness of the worker, that make you envious that you inculcate revenge ... The injustice lies not in never unequal rights but the claim of equal rights ... "And he adds, to round out his warrior spirit:" The maintenance of the military state is the latest and greatest action to take or maintain the great tradition, overlooking the superior type of man, the type of strong man. "

Although at this point we have shown that anti-Christian ideological conception is but a vague and poetic form of his reactionary political views, some people, however, believe that Nietzsche was able to overcome the deep alienation of Christianity for his own human will . But really the existence of this and other phenomena of capitalism, where the realigión obnubila consciences with superstitions and myths, like postmodernism or neo-eminently irrational essence, can be overcome only when the reasons for the material conditions that make them possible; ie, they are eliminated exploitation, class struggle, individualism sickly private ownership of the means of production, etc. And this is certainly not a task bourgeois, but that it has to be eliminated.

Nietzsche was not the ideologue of fascism, but made the first great stone for its construction. It was Rosenberg, with the help "critique" of Heidegger, a Jaspers, among others that the Nazi experience then washed their hands. But the bourgeoisie could not give any way to fascism, by contrast, has become more bloody and genocidal in the Hitler era, it has more fiendishly subtle and hypocritical to the point that under their leadership, humanity has been degraded to levels never achieved during his year history. Basten as examples the U.S. crimes in almost every country in the world, and widespread corruption in the minds of generations, or, in Peru this fascism has meant that our country ranks first in the world political detainees and missing persons, and the dead at our last civil war outnumber those born during the war with Chile in the last century, and, finally, that much of the population is in a state of absolute misery while a parasitic minority enjoys the benefits of this exploitation. There is no shortage, of course, intellectuals mercenaries, cunning, which grant a salary or justify the unjustifiable and generally accuse any popular movement to be fanatical, fundamentalist, sectarian, dogmatic, and so on., ie the deployment of the poor intelligence fascist.

not another, as a backdrop, Nietzsche primal position in Antichrist and his other philosophical works. Lukács saw this clearly and wrote that Antichrist supplements supplied intrinsic, ethical, social and historical development necessary for this lyrical, full of hate, Nietzsche's last period. That she is the author of ridicule and destruction everywhere, discursively, the idea of \u200b\u200bequality among men, is well known and need not be documented through special events, because, in fact, the central idea of \u200b\u200bhis career as a writer. (...) Does not reject Nietzsche never equal, of course, for ethical reasons of a general, but his attitude is a response to its position on democracy, revolution and socialism, which are, according to the Nietzschean conception, necessary fruits the domination of Christianity. (...). Therefore, when Nietzsche presents himself as the Antichrist, what really sucks is to destroy socialism. "


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