Tuesday, January 15, 2008

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Germain Lequerica: THE SEARCH Romulo Paredes

Pictured: Hermann Lequerica

"In search of sunrise / man is inevitably one hundred feet per hundred hands / and a star pinned to memory." With these words Lequerica Germain (Iquitos , 1932) begins his collection Search dawn and begins the modern poetry Amazon. Gone are the romantic verses, modernist and folklore of his predecessors. Lequerica opens fire cleanly: simple language, free style and popular perspective. Scorched by political passion far exceeds the beauty and conciseness of poetry Selva (1952), his earlier book, text, triple where they also meet Hidalgo Morey and Daniel Linares. Among the controversy in Lima faced social poets and poets pure, sustained commitment Lequerica tested for purity. Hence its transparent and musical symbols requires a higher sensitivity and a lively intelligence, while recording its limits in the hedonism that fertilizes the word but not subverted. The policy option Search dawn is clear and understandable. Its clarity is surprisingly simple: "The protest of man / when there is / has talons of a condor and rifles." The revolution will come from the field. However, no reference boundary between mere protest and revolutionary action. The output is sentimental, lyrical and subjective protest, will not rise on its conformist intellectual sensibility. Most poems denouncing the opportunism and the errors of the revolutionaries, and tested with a limpid poetic metaphors of the policy. The search for the dawn does not decay, but men. The star pinned memory involves will and necessity: the poetic praxis then merges with history, and poetry itself emerge beautiful and necessary.


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