Numeric find
perritis Well as I am something and I can not resist copying a meme, thus the currently circulating the net, with the help of Yopo, X , Marisela and Danygirl
How old are you? 25
What day were you born? 26
What age did you start school? 3
How @ s herman @ s you? 1
How many different cities have you lived? 1
How old was your first love? 12
How many times have you really love? -
What is the number of your home? 6
How many pairs of shoes do you have? 20
¿Qué numero de pie usas? 40
¿Cuántas mascotas has tenido a lo largo de tu vida? 6
¿Cuántos teléfonos móviles tienes? 1
¿Cuántas televisiones hay en tu casa? 2
¿Cuántos ordenadores hay en tu casa? 2
¿Cuál es la matrícula de tu coche? 63..
¿Cuántos idiomas hablas, incluyendo el castellano? 3 1 / 2
How many times have you flown on an airplane? 15 approx
How many times have you ridden by boat? 4
How many different countries, including Spain, have you been? 3
At what age did you marry? -
How many children do you have? 0
At what age did you have your first child? -
How many true friends think you have? 5
How many jobs you have had throughout your life? 3
How many social networks are a part? 3
How many blogs have taken over your life? 1
What is your favorite number? 4
Well dudilla that if you have any, ask jejeje
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