Again our paths away, as is as
came into my life, you retire. Perhaps the fate
our paths crossed, but never made
On the way, after seeing perhaps the last time, I just think
desolation that awaits me,
as each step I take, is a setback for you,
every time I feel the loneliness grow.
Today, I can only close my eyes,
to see in my head yours, honey color
hypnotize me,
but rarely looked at mine.
I can only close my eyes,
to return to see your face,
enoloquece the same as me every day,
yet, I hid it.
I thought many times of calling,
but little is what I have to tell you today,
away our lives daily, and can only
the memory of what did not happen.
just close my eyes and imagine the time
that is now so far away,
on your lips seeking mine. Today
just close my eyes,
to turn those tears,
trying again
across my tired face. Today
just close my eyes,
because I understood,
that for you, I've never been really important .......
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