Since very little I hated prejudice, not whether it will be because they have had a lot of me or because I just am.
few years later, when I in high school, my best friend at that time stood repeating course in college, so we were less. When you're 13 years is inevitable that the hormones start doing their effect and you take notice of the boys. She fool around with J and I was behind M (J friend). One day my friend came to school with me, spent the day happy and happy and what was my surprise when, on the bus back, I see you start to scroll through M right under my nose ..... Needless to say, I came home shattered. The only time I talked with my friend was to find out why he had done this and their response blew my mind .... We had heard rumors that I had done the same with J , and instead of asking to clear things up (which usually make friends) the best thing was to take revenge on his hand. Obviously I would never have an affair with the boyfriend of my best friend .....
But despite this background I still trust in people. As I do not like it ever had prejudiced me without knowing me, I try not to. I like to an opportunity for people to show up as is before me no idea. And ideally, everyone did the same, no?
Today, with internet, sms messenger and must be very careful what you write, because by not using a tone of voice or facial expression is very easy to misinterpret what is written, what one type is probably not what the other will come and that's where misunderstandings arise ... And there you have them. When this happens it is more normal to hear the explanations of the other party before making a decision, but if there are apologies and explanations through. But if despite everything you choose to throw down the street environment and continue to trample the error I can only think that has been prejudged, that has created an idea of \u200b\u200bthe person ahead of time and that bothers me ... It bothers me if I'm being prejudged me. And it hurts if the person who makes me suffer the prejudices of the people because of their religion, race or sex ....
Because I think people will continue to rely on as before, without prejudging
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