Saturday, February 21, 2009

Side Effects Of St.dalfour Cream

In a sea of \u200b\u200bturmoil still raining

Lost among rocks,
no light on the horizon,
lost in the feelings that I got faulty
to the north.

tired and sickly,
hope this time, but it gives me chills

think that is already dead.

I go and walk away, hesitating
every word,

maybe at some point that your heart is open.

feel the waves,
increasingly stronger, and now
not trust my luck. In a place

dream, it was only

thinking despite distraction,
until I was dreaming.

In a sea of \u200b\u200bturmoil,
feel an emptiness in my soul tells me that
"she does not love you."

few days have passed, and the feeling grows
this time I hope
just vanishes.

The sea is more dense,
the feeling is stronger, while my heart
"say what you feel"

Friday, February 13, 2009

Indepresearchsw.html Bogus


anthologies often are known by the names of the absentees, exceptions that prove the motives that produce them. That is, not all anthologies are made to put in display the most dear, the fittest, the best known, but to point courses, diving in the ways that built the literary passion of a cultural and geographical space. Great poetry

puneña in nobody is missing here, poetry anthology Bedregal Walter Paz, can afford to rebuild a route of voices that agree, contradict, add up. It is a clever anthology and supported by a thesis as simple and urgent: it is an anthology of poets, but poetry.

words, the book battle with poetry and throws the challenge of your choice. Its first consequence is the release of such poetry, who unwittingly becomes canon by nature selective. And also, as counter the title of his prologue, opens doors instead of closing, as the futile dream of every anthology is full circle and belting laurels, as always opens doors simply signaling pathways, entices and invites your presence temporary.

When in 2005 published the No. 3 magazine dedicated to Peruvian literature letters Puno, do not imagine the abundance of young poets and their link with the tradition Puno, this book brings to the fore.

However, we miss the absence of poets in our opinion are inseparable from the rich poetic tradition Puno, as Jorge Flórez-Aybar, Jose Luis Ayala and Luis Rodrigo. In line with rhizomes Bedregal Walter explained by these authors should appear, like others. The explanation is, then, not you related to the critical line of the book, but other criteria, the author of the book called, for example, "taste for poetry." Understanding is always futile task absences.

On the other hand, the title of the book is excellent, it lays bare the motive for any collection. The results are always helpful, as this book so bold as necessary.